Hallo! Ich habe gerade diese bewurzelten Sukkulenten-Requisiten gefunden!!! Ich habe meine eigenen Sukkulenten-Blatt-Requisiten noch nie bewurzeln lassen, also möchte ich diese Babys nicht durcheinanderbringen! Irgendwelche Tipps?

Von: Otherwise_Mango_661


  1. EmergencyInstance122 on

    Lay them flat in a pot with 70% rock and 30% dirt made for succulents. Gently sprinkle soil over top of the roots and then don’t touch it for many many weeks

  2. NotYourAverageDino on

    Honestly I just leave them on top of the dirt and spray with water when I first put them in there. Just one spray then forget about them until a month or so. Then I do it again

  3. Not__Satan on

    The only moisture they really need is the moisture stored in the leaves just throw it down wherever you want in a bright spot and a little floret will form. Once the big mama leaf is dry and crispy pull it off. Boom! Baby succulent

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