Arme Weihnachts-/Thanksgiving-Kakteen zerfielen in einem großen Laden. Ratschläge zum Stützen?

Von: not_blowfly_girl


  1. not_blowfly_girl on

    All were taken from the floor. They were falling apart all over

  2. thimblesprite on

    Toss on some dirt, wait patiently. Or suspend in water, mine have always been fairly prolific/quick to root

  3. CreativMndsThnkAlike on

    It’s a Thanksgiving cactus and like the other commenter said, they prop really easily! I would let them dry up for a few days and then stick the end in soil and water lightly. Don’t let them stay crazy wet in the soil, or you can prop them in water with most of the top sticking out.

  4. FlatThing9736 on

    I just received a thanksgiving cactus cutting in a similar way! Should I cut the flowers off?? It breaks my heart to do so. I placed it in some semi moist soil with rooting powder like 2 days ago. It looks a bit sad the leaves are very thin but I assume this has something to do with being off the mother when I found it. Please help.

  5. Teddyshreddy on

    I poke a hole in cactus mix with a butter knife and the cuttings slip in nicely and form roots

  6. LutherRaul on

    I put mine wrapped in kitchen paper towel at the bottom and keep the towel wet. Should be good to go in a week.

  7. Regular miracle gro potting soil, a very small pot.. slide it in, kind of pinch the dirt to hold it up. Water when drooping; sparingly. Wait a year. When it starts growing longer, break off 3 pieces and repeat in the same pot.

  8. tryingtoview on

    I shouldn’t have repotted mine, I caused this earlier 😅😅😅 good luck!

  9. Mr-Woodtastic on

    Thanksgiving cactus are so easy to prop that you pretty much can just put them in a pot and they will grow you can start them in water or just shove them in damp dirt or just lay them on top of some dirt and they will figure it out

  10. Stick them in dirt and stand back. I have found them really easy to root. One of my cats knocked mine over and snapped about 1/3 of the stems off, and I just poked holes in the dirt, stuck the stems in, and now you can’t even tell which stems got broken.

    But make sure you feed properly, and don’t over water.

  11. Plastic-Passenger795 on

    I’ve had more success rooting mine in water than in soil personally. I just stuck em in a jar on my windowsill with about an inch of water.

  12. jayquelina on

    I literally plopped them in a cup of water and let the magic happen. Did the soil transfer at around 4 ish months. This will be their second year blooming 🙂

  13. reneemergens on

    dip in sulfur powder and leave out for a few days til the wound heals. stick it in some soil and wait for it to start growing before watering

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