Hallo zusammen, ich bin auf der Suche nach Rat. Ich habe keine Ahnung, was dieses weiße Zeug auf meiner Areca-Handfläche ist. Ich habe es seit ungefähr einem Jahr, und das ist nun schon seit einiger Zeit etwas in meiner Pflanze. Es kommt auf keiner meiner anderen Pflanzen vor. Dank im Voraus

Von: intrikut


  1. InterestingBluejay24 on

    These look like whiteflies or mealy bugs! I have gotten them on my plants before and they’re the worst cause they start on the leaves and once they get in the roots it’s practically impossible to come back from it. What I’ve done (with maybe 40% success rate) is quarantine them and wash them off in the shower. Then neem oil treatment for like a month until the bugs die. But the problem is that all of that trauma stresses the plant so most of them die anyway. Now I just throw them away and consider it a loss unless I catch it early enough. But they’re contagious! So as of lately if I see an infestation, I don’t even risk it. Hope this helps

  2. shaistakhan78 on

    It’s mileybug use neem oil spray or any other good Insecticide dilute with water and spray directly on leaves

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