Ich habe kürzlich ein Haus gekauft und diese Kletterrose war etwa 12 Fuß hoch. Es steht an einer ungünstigen Stelle neben einem jungen Kirschblütenbaum.

Kann ich es ausgraben und erfolgreich verschieben? Und wenn ja, sollte ich es jetzt tun? Im Herbst?

Dank im Voraus

Von: hillsbeesandbbq


  1. eeeeeeeeeeeeean on

    Yep, roses are tough-old things. Hard to hurt it. Dig the biggest rootball you can manage – try not to knock too much soil off the fibrous roots. Dig a bigger hole to put it into in the new location and mix some compost, manure, whatever you can get hold of into the soil around the rootball. Chuck a couple buckets of water down onto it to settle it in its new location.

    If you want to prune it as well, do that before digging it up so you can work around it easier. Good luck!

  2. Western-Ad-4330 on

    I had a chunk of rose stem and a bit of root that i took from a job and its now about 8ft tall after a year or 2.
    I have also just jammed rose cuttings in the ground and they rooted.

    Most roses are pretty hard to kill, just try and keep as much root as possible and it will recover faster.

  3. chaosandturmoil on

    if you like yes. rather than spade it, gently hand fork around it finding and freeing the roots

  4. Suspicious-Brick on

    Yeah and this is a good time of year to do it as it will have all winter to grow roots. The one I moved this time last year was 8ft by 6ft and I hacked it down to 10 inches tall and moved it, it’s survived and will hopefully thrive next year.

  5. hillsbeesandbbq on

    Thank you all. I’ll get it moved tomorrow!

    I also took 16 cuttings and potted them so hopefully got some new plants next year also.

  6. Kandis_crab_cake on

    I moved about 6 roses when I moved in to my house and they all survived. I am by no means green fingered and I didn’t do anything special other than lift, shift and compost them.

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