Hii, ich kümmere mich seit einer Woche um diese Ringelblume und sie ist schon so stark verwelkt 🫠 Ich bin ein Pflanzenneuling und weiß nicht, was ich tun soll. Kann man sie noch retten?
Ich vermute, dass das Sonnenlicht nicht ausreicht, da es in letzter Zeit sehr bewölkt war und die Sonne meine Wohnung nicht allzu oft erreicht. Sollte ich es mit künstlichem Licht versuchen? Danke
Von: Minerali
I’m sorry to say, but that’s a dead plant..
Marigolds are greedy, meaning they like lots of sun and water, and are not meant for indoors. They also don’t overwinter, they’re an annual in most cases.
So it wouldn’t have mattered what you did, it was going to die anyway. You picked the wrong plant. They’re pretty, but best bought and enjoyed very early summer rather than late fall.
Unless you’re on the other hemisphere than I am, in which case you bought at a good time, but it needed much more water. They’re best suited for outdoors either way. People who can get them to thrive inside are usually very lucky rather than very skilled.
I’d pick something like a pothos for your beginning plant. It doesn’t flower, but it does like to dry out, grows quickly, and lets you know when it’s thirsty. An African violet or an orchid may be an option for you since you like the flowering types, but they can still be very finicky as well. I am never good with them. My african violet went into a vegetative state and stopped flowering because i took *too* good of care of it. Prayer plants and nerve plants also flower under the right conditions, but that’s also if you’re lucky, and they’re very small.
Plants are all about trial and error. This one isn’t one to beat yourself up over. I finally had my first successful marigold season this year and they got devoured by spider mites. It happens. Good luck!
Last ditch effort if you really want to save it try Tiger Bloom. You can buy it off Amazon. I had hanging plants that looked worse and it took a lil bit but it worked. They came back to life.
Bro is dead
Spidermites caused thia. Ive owned two marigolds and they both died the same way, SPIDERMITES. 😖😖
I don’t see anyone having mentioned it so I will…I think I see dry flower heads in your picture. Those should be full of marigold seeds. You could easily plant and grow dozens of marigolds from a single flowers worth of seeds.
Here in the central US..that’s how marigolds thrive outdoors..they grow, drop seeds, and die in the winter. New plants grow from the huge amount of dropped seeds…if you’re not careful you can end up with a whole field of marigolds.
Don’t sweat it…marigolds grow and die and thats part of their thing…plant more and enjoy each generation!
Make some tea 😊