Es gab eine kleine Menge davon, ich habe vor ein paar Monaten das Blumenbeet ausgegraben und es ist mit aller Macht zurückgekommen!

Von: Imperfect_Complaint


  1. Comprehensive_Cell31 on

    A quick search with galaxy AI shows this is “mouse tail” 🤔

  2. Mr_Cripter on

    Looks like a kind of Lily from the leaves and how they are grouped

  3. Extraterrestrialchip on

    Possibly Lords and Ladies (also called cuckoo pint I think) If it is, it has nice glossy leaves and produces a tall red shoot with red berries on. They spread like mad though and they’re very hard to get rid of.

  4. huskmesilly on

    It’s some kind of Araceae. I don’t remember seeing Arum Maculatum (Lords and Ladies) clump like that, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t! Be more inclined towards Arum Lilly


  5. Arum Italicum (Scarce Lords and Ladies) if you want rid you have to get out every scrap of tuber

  6. catmadwoman on

    Weedkiller got rid of mine but that was 10 years ago when weedkiller definitely killed weeds.

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