So jealous! I’m in Canada zone 2 and it can get as low as -40C here in the darkest days of winter. I dream of getting a fully insulated greenhouse attached to our garage to store my tropical plants in winter but for now my dining room will have to do.
Sreg32 on
What heat do you use for the house? And what can you maintain it at in winter?
benutne on
I used to take bubble wrap (pool cover is genius), cut it to size, and spray the flat side with soapy water and then stick it to the inside of my tiny little greenhouse. I had the whole thing airgapped as well as I could with clear silicone. The worst thing was thermal bridging from the exposed frame though.
While goofy looking, your idea is much better. Just make a whole “blanket” around the outside to insulate.
Whst does the tarp do?
So jealous! I’m in Canada zone 2 and it can get as low as -40C here in the darkest days of winter. I dream of getting a fully insulated greenhouse attached to our garage to store my tropical plants in winter but for now my dining room will have to do.
What heat do you use for the house? And what can you maintain it at in winter?
I used to take bubble wrap (pool cover is genius), cut it to size, and spray the flat side with soapy water and then stick it to the inside of my tiny little greenhouse. I had the whole thing airgapped as well as I could with clear silicone. The worst thing was thermal bridging from the exposed frame though.
While goofy looking, your idea is much better. Just make a whole “blanket” around the outside to insulate.