Repost fällig, da kein Bild angehängt ist. Die kleinen Dübel scheinen abgenutzt zu sein. 3,5 mm Die Frau möchte, dass ich sie repariere. Zu Weihnachten bekommt sie neue.
Denken Sie an ein kleines Stück Edelstahlstange, das passend zugeschnitten wird?
Von: Much-Ad7704
Secateurs are a monoculture. Simply replace with a clover lawn.
Get a pair of Felco 2’s – the industry standard. Sure, the Niwaki’s and Okatsune’s of the world are trendy, but Japanese steel is less robust and requires a bit more TLC.
The Felco 7’s with an ergonomic handle are a dream too.
I think a couple of tiny bolts could act as those spacers. Something like [this]( The depth of the head would be the crucial measurement really. It might be the best option to not get stainless as if the spacer is a harder metal it will gouge away at the other surface. Maybe go with 4mm and file them to fit snugly.