Ich habe diese Hyazinthe in meine Aufbewahrungsbank gelegt, nachdem sie nicht mehr geblüht hatte, und muss sie vor einiger Zeit herausgenommen haben, um nach etwas zu suchen. Ich habe gerade festgestellt, dass es bis zum Rand mit Regenwasser gefüllt ist, aber irgendwie sprießt. Die Zwiebel ist fast verrottet und an der Seite wächst ein Spross heraus? Ich habe es abgelassen und mit Zimmerpflanzenkompost aufgefüllt und auf das Beste gehofft. Wird es in Ordnung sein?!

Von: Cool_beans4921


  1. CastleMeadowJim on

    I’ve found hyacinth bulbs to be pretty tough in general. If you’re worried about it being too moist, you could always just leave it out of soil entirely for a few days to dry out though.

  2. It’ll probably be fine. Might need staking when in flower (I use a chopstick for this). I’d suggest giving it a feed using house plant feed. Let it have some sun (window ledge maybe) and make sure the pot is draining and it isn’t sitting in water in the outer pot.

  3. Sarahspangles on

    When you say the bulb is rotting, it could simply be that it’s used up its food store – the whole point of having a bulb – for its roots and shoots. Once the flower spike rises, it will be replenishing the bulb. The teeny shoot is called an offset, this is how new bulbs are made. It’s probably one to two years away from being ready to entirely separate.

    How well this bulb does now depends on how good its roots are.

  4. Aiken_Drumn on

    Best you can do is now just let it grow! It will try to throw a flower out regardless.. but with probably quite weak so might be blind next year.

    If any flowers pollinate, pull them off but otherwise allow it to grow for as long as possible to increase the strength going back into the bulb.

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