Ich versuche gerade herauszufinden, wann man diesen Brokkoli schneiden soll? Ich werde von Tag zu Tag größer und die Temperaturen sind im Moment sehr mild (Austin, Tx), also mache ich mir keine allzu großen Sorgen über das Verrutschen, sondern möchte nur sicherstellen, dass ich nicht riskiere, dass es seltsam schmeckt, weil ich zu lange an der Pflanze bin.
Wenn es zur Ernte bereit ist, sollte ich den Hauptstamm abschneiden oder einfach die einzelnen Triebe abschneiden, aus denen der Kopf selbst besteht?
Tut mir leid, wenn diese Begriffe falsch sind, aber für mich ergeben sie Sinn, lol.
Von: KenGriffinsMomSucks
From its size, I can say its ready to harvest
and don’t forget those edible leaves too.
It’s definitely ready, cut it on the main stem. This variety isn’t going to regrow. You might get a couple little tiny florets growing off from where you cut, but not a full head. Congrats on a big beautiful broccoli!!
Yeah, you could wait but the very minute it begins to even think about opening up a little, cut it.
You want to cut it at the base of the head, like an inch below where the head formed like youd see at the grocerg store. Make sure you cut at an angle so water doesn’t pool and rot. Leave the plant, it will create smaller side shoots you will be able to harvest as well.
The stem is packed with nutrients, easily grated. The leaves are very good too.
Cut it now, don’t wait because if it starts to flower it will be damaged, it’s ready.
A broccoli not eaten up by caterpillars! Fantastic! A modern miracle! 😃
They’ll start to bolt quickly if it warms up but it’s ready. Good job!
It’s perfect. Do it. Very nice broccoli!
Yes, it is
You can harvest it how you’d like , you can cut it off at the stem or uproot the whole plant
Don’t you dare throw those leaves away! Cut them and cook them like collards. You are welcome.
Absolutely perfect. Enjoy it now!
It’s edible at any stage, up to your preference. Nice looking head you got there- solid meal or two.
You can also eat the leave! They are similar to collard greens. I have also used them instead of stuffed cabbage leaves
Wow how good it looks
Let it grow another couple of days. It will get bigger fast.
Fun fact: kale, collards, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi and Brussels are all the same species, bred for their different parts. They are literally the same thing, just different shapes. All parts are edible too 🙂
Looks pretty close to ready if you’d ask me. Be sure to cut below the entire head, but not much lower. This way you can enjoy some shoots later on as well. And make the cut diagonally, instead of perpendicular to the stem. This will avoid rotting of the stem prematurely.
Cut it from the main stem like you’d see it in the store, after that it’ll start branching out and you might get a few smaller heads, and many more broccolini style shoots
Looks awesome. I’d say right now. You want to get it before the florets open up and expose the yellow flowers. Nice and tight and big. And yeah the stem is edible and the leaves are too. I like to shave the stem with a peeler and al dente it. The leaves are lot like all other brassicas (kale, collards, Brussels).
Oh my look at that it sure is ready and looks amazing
the leaves can be eaten as well and are delicious, sautee with garlic and oi, the get over looked a lot but they rule imo. Also looks good and ready to be cut from the main stalk, happy growing.
I would go like this
That’s a beautiful broccoli head! Looks like it’s ready for harvest – those florets are tightly packed and dark green. I usually cut the whole head at the main stem, but carefully removing individual shoots works too. Let us know how it tastes!