Ich habe größere und weniger trübe Tüten bestellt. Ich werde auch einen kleinen Rahmen bauen, damit weniger Blätter die Tasche berühren. Sobald meine Materialien eintreffen, werde ich ein neues Bild veröffentlichen. Hat anNone Erfahrung damit? Wie lange soll ich es dort aufbewahren?

Von: scorpions411


  1. Drewbicles on

    Is the bag to protect your other plants? I usually just spray the plant off with a hose outside. Then some neem oil 2-3 times, worked for my money tree.

  2. Optimoprimo on

    Aren’t you worried about suffocating the plant in such a little bag?

    Why not just spray the plant down every day or so until you stop seeing the mites? They mechanically clean off pretty easily.

  3. StarryEyed-95 on

    I’ve never had to do this, but wishing you the best of luck! May you be victorious!

  4. Deadanubis8 on

    Last time I had spidermites I dunked the plant underwater for like 5 min then for an added measure used dawn soap to spray the leaves down and gave it a shower.

  5. snownative86 on

    I’ve found that usually just a good dip in a neem bath is all it takes to get rid of them. Scale and mealy bugs though.. That’s my nightmare.

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