Meine Blumenkohlsämlinge werden immer länger und brechen dann entweder unter dem Gewicht der Blätter oder welken. Irgendeine Idee, was ich tun kann, um das zu verhindern?

Von: KingXylariaCordycep


  1. Any plant that becomes leggy does it because it needs more light. Double, or even triple the light the seedlings get and you’ll see improvements.

  2. 0that-damn-cat0 on

    The days are too short, so they are not getting enough light. You need to wait until early spring.

  3. Asynhannermarw on

    In our school allotment we sowed them outside in a raised bed in November and covered them with cloches – old plastic bottles with the bottoms sawn off. So far they’re growing very slowly but they look strong and they aren’t leggy.

  4. potatoking1991 on

    It’s a bit early to start cauliflower, the reason they’re getting long is that there isn’t enough sunlight this time of year, and if they’re indoors then the warmth will push them to grow in search of light. Try planting outside in a sunny spot

  5. this is Etiolation – they are not getting enough light so they are stretching to find some.

  6. Get a grow light and heat mat to get an early start on the season. Might still be too early tho. I’m gonna start mine in Feb. Plant onions and garlic outside in jan

  7. Quantum_Object on

    it’s far, far too early to plant anything yet. – you’re just wasting your seeds.

  8. shaun-lodgix on

    If the light isn’t constantly overhead they are having to gain a certain amount of height just to be above the lip of your pots 🌞🌻

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