Von: Butters16666


  1. willswavey on

    I’ve seen vertical planting on walls like this and it looks pretty good. More space to grow

  2. wonderstoat on

    Clematis or similar will grow fairly quickly and give you a beautiful display in the spring, depending on the direction you’re facing. It can get a bit unruly but we have it in two similar situations in our garden.

  3. missdaisydrives on

    I would paint the alley bricks white to match the house render, then either put a trellis up and a climber around the rest of it or plant a fig and espalier it to soften it.

  4. Therealladyboneyard on

    You could also create a trellis for climbing plants that’ll cover the beams

  5. BobbieWickham29 on

    First, check that you can do anything to that wall. It may belong to a neighbour and you may not be able to fix anything to it, decorate it or augment it in any way. A quick read of your deeds or a letter to your landlord?
    Suggest not asking the neighbour because they may claim you cannot without authority.
    Worth checking.

  6. Fantastic_Recover_57 on

    Trellises. But only attached to the brick. That shit fence will blow over in a few years and wreck everything

  7. Acceptable_Bunch_586 on

    Plant a clematis (Montana variety as they are very vigorous) it willl cover the wall and fence, put some wires up on the fence to help it. If you’re more patient go for a fig for fruit trees. But avoid painting, green stuff if your friend, jasmines as also vigourous and lovely. Climbing roses too.

  8. Hot-Stress2879 on

    Which way does it face? An espaliered fruit tree could look amazing but is a longer game than clematis or similar.

  9. Inturnelliptical on

    Paint it camouflage colours and paint plants and flowers on it.

  10. JohnnyB51UK on

    Make it into . ; hang ING baskets ,maybe , build thin box’s and do hanging strawberry’s , .turn it into a flower rack

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