Plötzlich werden alle Blätter braun und der ganze Baum stirbt ab. Dies ist nicht der erste Verlust, den ich verliere, und es scheint, als ob es über Nacht passiert. Weiß jemand, was die Ursache sein könnte?

Von: OddAsparagus4913

1 Comment

  1. dancon_studio on

    1. Photo around the base of the tree? Maybe soil has been piled up around the roots, effectively suffocating the tree.
    2. Where do you live? Quercus suber is susceptible to PSHB (an invasive borer beetle that attacks live trees), so I’m just trying to rule out if you perhaps live in an area where they have spread to.
    3. Proximity of these trees to a neighbouring boundary? Could your neighbour perhaps be intentionally poisoning them?
    4. Maybe they’re just at the end of their life. Any idea how old they are?

    Consult an arborist.

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