Der neue Garten ist voll von diesen Blumenzwiebeln. Erkennt sie jemand?

Von: LowRub


  1. Elegant-Instance5145 on

    Looks like an alium I have in my garden- comes out with a long stalk and small white flowers. Smells garlicky, it’s nice so I’ve left them in 🙂

  2. Does it smell of onions? It looks rather like something that is a bit of a pest in our garden. Ours has quite pretty white flowers, and I think I decided it was probably Allium subhirsutum, but there were several fairly similar related contenders. It is green and floppy in the winter then vanishes after flowering. There is a solid layer of tiny bulbs about 10cm down, and you can’t shift them all.

  3. Nervous-Connection41 on

    Oh if it’s what we have, good luck. Lovely blue flowers but they will grow and spread everywhere. Tiny little white bulbs and they honestly do get everywhere. We’ve been living here for 2 years and are still ripping them out and we are very keen gardeners. Grow vegetables, have a beautiful rose garden, a well matured wisteria and loads and loads of other plants but this stuff chokes it all.

  4. Trotsky666_ on

    I’ve got them and like them. Little white flowers and then the whole plant withers and disappears. Sweet little things.

  5. GardeningChemist2619 on

    Crush the leaves. If they smell like onions they are a variety of allium if not they are likely grape hyacinths

  6. H__Chinaski on

    I keep getting these. Hardy little fuckers too. I’ve got a batch growing out of the asphalt at the bottom of my drive!

  7. NobleRotter on

    Looks a lot like onion grass. Does it smell onions?

    If it does I’d dig the whole patch out, leaving several inches clearance all around. It’s incredibly fast spreading and an utter pain in the arse to get rid of. It’s taken over every garden in our street bar one (they’re the hardest working gardeners I’ve ever seen)

  8. I think grape hyacinth rather than allium. Be aware that the former are not edible so just crush a leaf and look for the onion-y smell. I have several alliums and lots of grape hyacinth (there is only ‘lots’, that’s the only quantity) and am pretty sure it’s the latter.

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