Hat jemand Erfahrung damit, einen Gartenzaun durch eine ausgewachsene Hecke zu ersetzen? Wir kaufen ein Haus mit einem Zaun um den Garten und möchten diesen durch eine Hecke ersetzen. Allerdings habe ich keine Ahnung, was die Kosten/Machbarkeit angeht – und ob aufgrund der Nähe des Zauns zum Wintergarten genügend Platz vorhanden ist. Bin für jeden Rat oder jede Idee dankbar!

Von: sincorax


  1. Ukplugs4eva on

    Depends what type of plant and how quickly you want to to grow 

    Personally for a nice looking hedge that can be either thick or thin and grows reasonably fast and the birds love it. Red robin.

    Or there’s laurel

  2. farkinhell on

    I’ve not done it but I know it’s expensive, think £2-300+ per metre. You’re basically paying someone to grow a hedge for you for a few years.

  3. Aid_Le_Sultan on

    Is it possible, yes. Is it going to be easy, no.

    Judging by the proximity to the conservatory your options would be limited. It wouldn’t be cheap but you can get a narrow dense hedge, that’s easy to maintain, with yew. As it’s not as fast growing as many others so maintenance is easy – also it’s hardy and forgiving if a bad prune/trim is done. The downside is it’s expensive especially if you want instant results but that cost will go down exponentially as you go with smaller plants and let them grow.

  4. I’ve done it with laurels as they are hardy, Not cheap though and good prep will be needed. Hopefully I will have a beautiful nature friendly hedge in a few years

  5. Pitiful_Baseball7007 on

    Do you enjoy trimming hedges constantly? If not stick with the fence and plant around it. Hedges take a lot of maintenance and cost loads to put in in the first place

  6. thatguysaidearlier on

    For the amount of money, time, space etc. spent on the hedge, personally I would…

    Get a builder to take the top caps off your wall
    Replicate the pillars from the neighbour shown in picture one (at least in height, not necessarily in girth)
    Put half height fencing panels in-between the pillars like this [https://forum.buildhub.org.uk/topic/2773-fence-panels-on-top-of-wall/?do=findComment&comment=42600](https://forum.buildhub.org.uk/topic/2773-fence-panels-on-top-of-wall/?do=findComment&comment=42600) Fence panels can be any style you like.

    You could possibly even cut down the existing panels to save some £. You would also gain back the space taken up by the existing full-height fence

  7. MumMomWhatever on

    I would keep the fence and grow something up it. It provides you and your neighbour privacy for that consery.

  8. This sub hates hedges, would try and post somewhere else. Handy for privacy but as you see the other comments above the keyboard ninjas here don’t like them lol

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