Ich habe diese Pflanze wiederbelebt, ohne zu wissen, welche Farbe ihre Blüten hatten, und sie dankte es mir mit meiner Lieblingsfarbe 😍

Von: Kynkylady


  1. Automatic-Reason-300 on

    It’s a Bougainvillea a very beautiful plant. I have some of them with different colors, white, pink, fucsia, purple, purple-white.

    BTW, your Jade it’s huge.

  2. BitterSweetDrops on

    Awww she is so pretty 💕🌺🪷🌸
    Plants are so grateful ✨🌱

  3. It’s a bougainvillea. We have them with 3 different flower colors in our backyard.

  4. useyourheartless on

    Bougainvillea 💜 love them! These guys are my favorite flower to press.

  5. craftylinda16 on

    I have a peach colored one…just can’t find a picture of it just now 😒

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