Ich habe jetzt zwei Winter hier gelebt, und letzten Winter sah es nicht so aus! Irgendwelche Ideen, warum es dort in der Mitte alle Blätter verloren hätte?

Von: JaSfields


  1. palpatineforever on

    if you are lucky a bit of plant food and it comes back in the summer. They sometimes loose leaves in a harsh winter and its been really cold recently minuses we didnt reach last year. last winter wasnt cold so it could have kept its leaves.

    If you are not lucky it is honey fungus and they are all dead soon anyway,

  2. sebastianoutfin on

    Give it a trim in the spring and it’ll be as good as gold. It could have been taken out by the largest bomb known to humanity and it’ll still grow back.

  3. Charming_Reserve_904 on

    As the owner of a privet hedge and being a tree surgeon I would be very surprised if this is dead, privet just keeps bloody growing! Probably just cut a bit hard like my own and struggled to put leaf on before the winter, privet are only considered semi-evergreen.

  4. Kindly-Ad-8573 on

    Its so big that living in amongst concrete slabbing it isn’t getting enough water you need to give it a 5 l Watering can of water a week and probably add in a bit of feed too, it might come back , it might need cutting right back to the healthier part and starting over.

  5. shaun-lodgix on

    Gardener here: As others have said, privet isn’t fully evergreen.

    You can cut it right back and it won’t die so you don’t need to worry about taking it off the footpath.

    You will probably end up using loppers for the thick bits. If you want an easy to manage hedge, cut it so it is tapered, wider at the bottom, thin at the top. I usually aim for around 50mm at the top. It makes keeping on top of it easy 🌞🌻

  6. ChosenHuman98 on

    Could be Honey Fungus, we lost a large section of Privet hedgerow on a resort last year, luckily cutting n digging out a generous portion past the infected specimens seems to have prevented further spread.
    Doubt yours would’ve been cut back too far, they’re hard af. Maybe lacks nutrients in the soil, have you fed it before?

  7. Unhappy_Narwhal_3397 on

    Just been cut back a lot, it will be green by June. I cut a privet hedge back 3 foot once and made it about half as wide, it looked like that u til spring then all the new growth came out and it was green again.

  8. Possibly fungus that’s killing them all of it’s not that and it’s just having a meltdown at the moment it soon will be the fungus. So get it out will probably be the best idea for the long run.

  9. We had box hedge caterpillars and they destroyed ours. You can see them – black and green about an inch long producing white moths

  10. floppysausagestiffen on

    Most people forget that the 2nd half of cutting back a hedge is to feed or mulch it and then water it.

  11. human_totem_pole on

    Give it a good trim and cut out the dead bits. It might look a bit weird for a while but it’ll grow back.

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