Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer Kletterpflanze, die ungefähr dem weißen Wurm ähnelt, den ich gezeichnet habe. Schätzen Sie, dass ich einen verdammt großen Topf brauche! Die Ausrichtung ist im Großen und Ganzen südwestlich. Irgendwelche guten Ideen?
Von: DJBigPhil
Climbing rose- won’t bugger your walls like Wisteria or Ivy
David Austin Generous Gardener
Nice as it looks I personally wouldn’t due to risking problems later down the line like damp
Evergreen honeysuckle or clematis would keep interest year round. Wisteria would be lovely but a twig in winter. For something more interesting, you could try super hardy kolomikta, which has interesting foliage – its a kiwi plant that produces little edible kiwi berries.
Star jasmine
Not sure why so many are suggesting jasmine -/ that’s a plant that needs to be growing into the ground. Same with wisteria.
For a pot I would say a climbing rose if your best bet.
Trumpet vine
Clematis. NOT ivy or Virginia Creeper
Russian vine 😆
Maybe get a larger pot for something like that too
Gardener here: it looks like there is a white stone strip separating the block paving from the house, plenty of room to plant a wisteria. You will need a wire up and along the wall for it to use for support 🌞🌻
A climbing hydrangea or jasmine are the correct answers. Too much maintenance with most clematis and honeysuckle that would actually fill the space. Wisteria in a pot won’t last unless it’s a very big pot. Nobody likes ivy or Virginia creeper, and everything else is invasive!
Grape vine would do quite nicely.
Clematis. They come in loads of different colours too
Clematis are nice
Gertrude Jekyll climbing rose, like mine: https://www.reddit.com/r/GardeningUK/s/l7c6bu9owF
Evergreen or leaf-dropper?
Colour preference?
Smelly or not smelly?
Do you know which way that was faces?
The answers to these could help you decide.
Wisteria but grow it in the ground … take up couple of pavers
One that never gets enough love. Garrya elliptica
What ever you choose put a good trellis up the wall to stop the plant making to contact with walls and roof it can cause problems later on if left to grow wild
If you’re sticking to a pot, and I would in this location, have you considered Ipomoea lobata? It’s a perennial but typically treated as an annual here, easily grown from seed and will cover that wall quickly in spring-winter, flowering red, orange and yellow in summer. You just need some light support for it to climb up.