Mein gegen die Vogelgrippe geschütztes Futterhäuschen erfreut sich heute Morgen großer Beliebtheit.

Von: Gentleman_Teef


  1. MotherEastern3051 on

    What a beautiful sight! The goldfinch are always all over my knapweed seed heads, although I’ve not noticed them on the teasel yet. 

  2. JulianPhoto on

    Likewise, we have Goldfinches regularly in the Garden. That looks like a wonderful source of food for them during the winter. Thank you for sharing.

  3. loveswimmingpools on

    Aren’t Goldfinches stunning? Some of our little birds are like little jewels.

  4. Brilliant_Town6500 on

    I love watching them eating the knapweed and cornflower seeds in our wildflower meadow!

  5. BegoniaInBloom on

    The collective noun for goldfinches is “a charm”, and yours certainly are charming… I can almost hear them quietly twittering to each other as I look at your picture. Beautiful!

  6. I grow large patches of Verbena Bonariensis throughout our garden and the goldfinches love it. I have seen so much bird life this winter. I have a couple of log piles and have been leaving more dead foliage standing as food for them. The grass was also left with some length to it for insects to overwinter and it’s collectively made a massive impact.

    I may look at where I can plant some teasels this year, next door has them and they are a great support for nature.

  7. MathematicianSad8487 on

    They only turn up in my garden for sunflower kernels and proceed to drop them all over the place in a day then move on . Beautiful but messy wee things .

  8. Def growing some teasels this year. I struggle to commit to cleaning the feeders so I’ve kinda given up now. These are a great way to still feed them. 🙂

    I do wonder a bit though, how long do the seeds last before they’re all gone?

  9. Love the teasel that I have on my allotment by the pond, however sadly never seen any goldfinches on them.

  10. Western-Ad-4330 on

    I remember being in park just outside of amsterdam and they had a specific patch designated to seed plants for finches.

    They also had a man made fenced off sandy mound/bank on the edge of the lake with a sand martin colony with a boardwalk running around past it over the water so you could watch them but not disturb them.

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