Habe einen kleinen Raum hinter meiner Garage in meinen Traumgarten verwandelt🌻2023 vs. 2024

Von: BombsOverDadBags3000


  1. mastamaven on

    Sigh… I love Hostas.. everything is so beautiful in your garden… but I can’t help but admire Hostas. Mostly my mother-in-laws fault.

  2. Perfect-Ad-1389 on

    That looks like it will be a beautiful garden! You did a great job!

  3. bodybycarbohydrates on

    This looks great! How do you keep your weed pressure down?

  4. How beautiful! You should be so proud of your accomplishment. I wouldn’t know where to start with a such a project. You should seriously look into doing this for others as a side hustle!

  5. Federal_Barnacle839 on

    This is absolutely beautiful. I love to see a patch of grass transformed into such a lovely garden space. The pollinators are going to love this!

  6. LopsidedYetEffective on

    darling, you don’t have a green thumb – you’ve got green fists!!

  7. I absolutely love it!! I have dreams of doing something like this in my yard. 2 years ago I planted a lot of pollinating plants and am amazed at how beautiful they are. Can’t wait to see what comes up this spring

  8. AlyciaPittenger on

    How did you go from torn up dirt (roto tilled?) to a mulch path? I would like to do something similar to my backyard so I don’t have as much to mow, but I’d have to tear up more yard… I’ve been placing down cardboard along the fence to start by my neighbor’s yard but I’d like a pathway like what you have!

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