Kann man im Wasser stützen? Oder sollte ich es im Dreck machen? Beste Erfolgsquoten bei denen, die beides ausprobiert haben? Oder eine andere Option wie Perlit?

Von: OkWrangler8903


  1. Soft-Interest9939 on

    following this because i have a massive one i want to prop🤭🤭

  2. HibiscusGrower on

    I only ever propped mine (2 or 3 times) in soil but so far I had 100% success rate.

  3. RiverStrolling on

    I usually prop in soil. Sometimes I use rooting hormone, sometimes I don’t. I’m located in C FL & my sun rose are outdoors.

  4. urban_Grandivil on

    I have found these to be very easy to propagate. They do better sticking them directly in soil vs. water

  5. psychward59 on

    I wish you the best of luck! For whatever reason I cannot get the baby sunrose right. I think it might just be too cold for them but I’ve tried props in water, succulent soil mix, standard potting mix, and a few in perlite. All of them died man. So disappointing. I hope you have better luck than me lol

  6. My mom just trimmed hers up and threw all the trimmings in a pot with succulent soil for me. I didn’t think it would survive but they’re now a well established plant and one of my favorites. Very easy to prop in soil!

  7. ConsciousLight7275 on

    This plant is pretty tough I prop in water i recently had one that has been in water for awhile and it actually ran out of water, and was still blooming! No dirt no water no problem

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