Die Kurzfassung der Geschichte ist, dass wir eine Adonidia-Palme gekauft haben und deren Augapfel ziemlich schlecht bemessen war. Es ist ein wenig gequetscht, wenn es an die Decke stößt, und dies ist der höchste Raum im Haus. Wir sind in den kanadischen Prärien, wo es im Sommer +30 °C und feucht und im Winter -30 °C und trocken wird, daher glaube ich nicht, dass wir es draußen pflanzen können.
Jeder Rat wäre uns sehr willkommen, da wir uns jetzt ziemlich gestresst fühlen! Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Von: MattyFettuccine
raise the roof
edit: i have no advice, just wanted to make you laugh
Id just let if figure it out itself and cut off dead leaves feeling bad about it
Not much you can do but find it a taller space or keep it indoors till summer and move outside but you’ll have to bring it back in again come winter which may be impossible the next year. I’d sell it
Can you repot it?
This might be a stupid idea but is it possible you can get a shorter (but wider) pot? I don’t really know plants this post just came up on my “latest” feed but that is my only idea
i’ve always heard that palms do not like touching the walls and ceiling, i would try to find a more shallow pot or return /:
Assuming it can’t be returned, maybe you know someone that has plants that may be willing to trade. It’s beautiful and I would be interested in that if you were near me. Maybe a company with a commercial building/mall would be willing to buy it? I see no way to cut it. Those plants are just not that type of plant. Someone jokingly mentioned raising the roof. I will jokingly say cut a hole in the floor, but you would have to be a real die-hard plant person to do that. In a outside deck that would be an option, but not in the floor of a house.
Sell to someone with higher ceilings
Mold shouldn’t be an issue at this stage with few fronds touching the ceiling. Mold also depends on how frequent you water and relative humidity in your house. As far as damage also should be fine, it’s usually aerial roots that cause problems. Even if the fronds end up scuffing the ceiling it’s a minor paint job. It will probably stop producing new growth, drop its fronds and be stunted/sad.
Yes. Exchange that tapered base container for a pot with a flat bottom.
That’s not a good spot for it, though. You’ll be getting brown tips from low light.
Can you exchange the palm?
Due to my many miscalculations in life, I have adopted the quote “measure twice and cut once” it’s an honest mistake. I think a non tapered pot will buy you some time. But not forever. Good luck.
That’s unfortunate, it’s so beautiful. Depending how much you spent and your skills I would try to propagate it. Someone did mention a shallow but wide pot that could save you some time to figure something else out. Otherwise that sucks. :/
Pull it out. Chop roots off half way in the middle with a butcher knife. Repot in a round but shorter pot.
OP, I was gifted a similar Palm back in November and had the same conundrum. It was about 6” too tall for the space, and the plan is for it to be on the porch through the warm months.
We trimmed all the browning and dried leaves, and took some of the green leaves that were rubbing the ceiling as well, as I expected them to be dead soon anyway given the circumstances.
The plant is still looking good and sucking up water, so no problems yet. What I did was really just more “shaping” the leaves and simply getting them to where they wouldn’t rub the ceiling while leaving as much green as possible.
Obviously I can’t promise this will work on your variety, but I’m in New England, so our climates are similar at least.
Get some ceiling jacks and lift the entire roof a few more feet
The type of pot we place has influence on the growth of the plant.
**Update:** took it out of the decorative pot and feel *much* better about it. Thank you everybody for your advice! I couldn’t convince my partner to let me cut the floor or ceiling, which is probably for the best. Now onto finding a different decorative pot!
**Second conundrum:** it seems like the stalks are all covered in some white waxy substance – I assume this is some sort of scale and I should clean it off and treat it, right?
Would look at a wider and shallower po or potentially angling the pot or plant when reporting, also make sure the put has drainage and somewhere to catch the excess water!
Take it out of the planter
Bend it and tie it off to the sofa and train it to spead width 🤣
Sell to a hotel or business.
Little squished? You need like 2 ft of added height to make this plant comfy lol
Id just return it or resell, and buy a variety of plants that works better for the space
You can root prune palms, and they recover well. That’s what I would do here. I would remove some of the roots so it can fit in a shorter and wider pot.
Without damaging the room or returning it or trading it, best bet is to add on a tall conservatory to the house. Seriously, though, it going to keep growing and if it doesn’t fit now, it won’t ever fit. And it’s a beautiful plant, don’t think you can really stifle its growth AND have it stay healthy. 🪴🌴
Is there sentimental feelings regarding the plant? I mean you could sell it and get a smaller plant.
The best problem
maybe take it back and get a smaller tree
do you have stairs in your house with a landing? maybe it would work there?
I’d sell it tbh. There is no space for growth at all – it’s not going to thrive with you. But there are loads of other shorter plants that would do brilliantly in that spot- my monstera would be in heaven.
Return it