Meine apfelähnlichen Erdbeeren

Von: imliss5782


  1. Blazing__HYDRA on

    Sure they’re big, but do they taste good too? I’ve been burned too many times at the store by berries that look great but have no flavor or sweetness.

  2. Acceptable-Book4400 on

    My face just did one of those cartoon “awooga” things. Those are AMAZING.

  3. Yayks!

    You wouldn’t happen to know what species those are ? I’ve had my share of huge koronas (yes, the strawberry ones) but those you got there are just gigantic 😲​

  4. shillyshally on

    I am skeptical about so many pix these days. Is it real or is it Chat or Midjourney?

  5. Blazing__HYDRA on

    Oh good!! I would be sad if I grew monsters like that and were let down. Glad birds didn’t get to them!

  6. CalamitousRevolution on

    Need banana for scale! lol

    But seriously, those look so sweet and juicy! Enjoy

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