I would create a mount for it and treat it as a regular mounted orchid, spraying every day and giving it a ton of light.
Terrible-Face-4506 on
I’ve successfully rooted vanilla orchid in plain water like an aroid.
timmeh87 on
roots grow from nodes only. often the root will dry out and call it quits if it doesnt get enough moisture or find a surface to latch. you can see some of that on this one. prefers super high humidity. will latch on to surfaces with gusto. basically never branches. On farms they grow them in loops to keep the growth near the ground. in nature they latch on to trees and the tree is the substrate. sometimes the part rooted in the ground dies and they just keep growing up the tree as an epiphyte. but they can be somewhat stuck into a pot, especially if you keep looping them back for more dirt-roots.
ArgentManor on
As others have said they rood from nodes. I’ve had mild success with sections of two nodes. I recommend a min of 3 nodes per cutting.
I usually cut, remove the leaves at the node I want roots to grow then let it callous. I prepare a mix of loose soil, sphagnum moss and perlite and put the cuttings in there. It usually takes a few weeks to root. Then I repot once the roots are about 150-200mm long.
HappySpam on
My friend gifted me one node, like literally one leaf, and I stuck it in some spaghnum moss and a year later it’s about as big as yours
Dive_dive on
I am following this with extreme interest. I have been curious about orchids but have always avoided them bcs I was always told they were very hard to grow and required specialized setups. But now that I have mastered the simpler plants, pothos, tradescantia, monstera, even succulents and euphorbia, I feel that I am ready to kill, I mean try my hand at orchids. Let me also say that I suck at keeping a spider plant alive. Literally one of the top 2 plants for beginners.
Glum_Material3030 on
Will it grow vanilla if there is not another plant?
I would create a mount for it and treat it as a regular mounted orchid, spraying every day and giving it a ton of light.
I’ve successfully rooted vanilla orchid in plain water like an aroid.
roots grow from nodes only. often the root will dry out and call it quits if it doesnt get enough moisture or find a surface to latch. you can see some of that on this one. prefers super high humidity. will latch on to surfaces with gusto. basically never branches. On farms they grow them in loops to keep the growth near the ground. in nature they latch on to trees and the tree is the substrate. sometimes the part rooted in the ground dies and they just keep growing up the tree as an epiphyte. but they can be somewhat stuck into a pot, especially if you keep looping them back for more dirt-roots.
As others have said they rood from nodes. I’ve had mild success with sections of two nodes. I recommend a min of 3 nodes per cutting.
I usually cut, remove the leaves at the node I want roots to grow then let it callous. I prepare a mix of loose soil, sphagnum moss and perlite and put the cuttings in there. It usually takes a few weeks to root. Then I repot once the roots are about 150-200mm long.
My friend gifted me one node, like literally one leaf, and I stuck it in some spaghnum moss and a year later it’s about as big as yours
I am following this with extreme interest. I have been curious about orchids but have always avoided them bcs I was always told they were very hard to grow and required specialized setups. But now that I have mastered the simpler plants, pothos, tradescantia, monstera, even succulents and euphorbia, I feel that I am ready to kill, I mean try my hand at orchids. Let me also say that I suck at keeping a spider plant alive. Literally one of the top 2 plants for beginners.
Will it grow vanilla if there is not another plant?