01.02.2025Wie kann man den Boden nach dem Entfernen der Asphalt-/Betonschicht ordnungsgemäß zum Pflanzen vorbereiten?
01.02.2025Hallo zusammen was meint ihr Snow oder marble queen? Die weisen stellen sind ein wenig vergrünt,da der Standort nicht perfekt ist,
Eingezogen in ein neues Haus mit einem fantastisch aussehenden Affenpuzzle -Baum, aber viele braune (tote?) Zweige an der Innenseite des Baumes bemerkt – sollte ich besorgt sein oder braucht dies nur ein wenig Wartung? Von: DIY_Noob_6
garden_girl30 on 01.02.2025 5:50 PM That’s a lovely specimen. It looks very healthy to me. They drop the lower branches as the age, so it’s likely nothing to worry about! Bear in mind that these turn into absolutely huge trees eventually.
paulywauly99 on 01.02.2025 5:51 PM Just a guess. Leylandi next to it is taking up all the moisture. Get rid of it asap but give the MP a good drink.
FenianBastard847 on 01.02.2025 10:39 PM Not close to the house is it? They get huge and will block the light and then the council will issue a TPO and you’re stuck with it.
That’s a lovely specimen. It looks very healthy to me. They drop the lower branches as the age, so it’s likely nothing to worry about!
Bear in mind that these turn into absolutely huge trees eventually.
Just a guess. Leylandi next to it is taking up all the moisture. Get rid of it asap but give the MP a good drink.
Great looking tree but sorry no advice to offer.
Not close to the house is it? They get huge and will block the light and then the council will issue a TPO and you’re stuck with it.