Hatte sie jetzt seit ungefähr einem Jahr und sie blühte gestern nur gestern

Von: MustardCommumnity


  1. These are beautiful. I have never seen one actually bloom in real life

  2. green_reveries on

    I had no idea these bloomed!

    (Idk why—makes sense lol)

    Very cool; might actually try to have one. Any particular tips for its care?

  3. Just to let you know: after tillandsia blooms, the main plant will die, but it’ll put pups out on the side of the plant, and those will bloom in a few years. They’re a type of bromeliad, it’s the same life cycle. So don’t worry if the main plant starts to look sad, and keep an eye out for pups!

  4. MasterpieceMinimum42 on

    Beautiful tillandsia ionanthan. Btw, how much light you are giving it? I’m trying to make mine bloom since the day it started turning reddish itself, but the reddish always reverted, sad. 😢

  5. Downtown_Novel_35 on

    I swear I learn more about plants from Reddit than anything. So pretty!

  6. Background-Lynx9913 on

    You keep air plants in dirt? Do you keep it wet? Mine struggle so I’m wondering if this technic might improve the health of mine

  7. KatKatalyst on

    I see you have the air plant in dirt. Does this help with propagation or is this what one is supposed to do with this type of air plant? I keep mine in, well, just the air in a little pot, no dirt.

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