Okay, also alle meine Glühbirnen sind bis November letzten Jahres im Vorder- und Hintergarten vorhanden.
Ich legte meine Samenschalen in die Garage an der sonnigen Stelle, als ich über meinen übrig gebliebenen Hyazinthe, Tulpen und Narzissen stolperte. Sie aßen alle “Schießen” und sahen gesund aus.
Es wird nicht in den Papier- / Plastiktüten wachsen. Ich werde es morgen in den Pflanzgefäßen und am Boden pflanzen. Meine Frage ist, wird es überleben oder wird es sterben?
War jemand in letzter Zeit dumm wie ich?
Von: sunsetjeans
This year, I found a pack of bulbs that had been in a box for a good three years. Some were rotted away to mush, some were a bit limp and lifeless. I put all of them in the ground a few weeks ago. To my surprise, almost all have already started to show signs of life. Even the rotted piles of mush.
All this is to say that nature will usually find a way to survive if we give it a chance. Stick em in the ground, and watch them thrive. They look really healthy all things considered! They might be later than your other bulbs, but they should come through in the end. Call it succession planting 😉
They will definitely die if you don’t get them in the ground. There is a chance they will be fine if you plant them. The choice is clear! Get them in the ground asap!
Pop them in and add chicken pellets. By the time they flower the soil will be nice a rich to feed them for next year. If you want to do anything extra they might benefit from a 10 minute soak in rainwater before planting.
Haha, I’ve done this! Just get them in the ground as soon as you can. They’ll be a bit weedy for a while, but they’ll recover. They want to live!