Wow. My crocuses have barely started to sprout yet here in Yorkshire. Enjoy.
smeIIyworm on
I’m Norfolk based and mine are only showing their leaves at the moment. They’re in a North facing aspect so maybe that’s why they’re slower? Can’t wait to see them bloom!
deadeye-ry-ry on
Damn they look lovely!!
Kind_Ad5566 on
The crocus that gave my hometown it’s name.
Spineberry on
I’ve seen two isolated ones in the garden so far. Won’t deny they put a right little sparkle on my week
Bicolore on
How do you get such dense clumps?
yankonapc on
Why is my garden so opposed to snowdrops and crocuses? I plant them, half of them bloom the first year, a quarter the next, none the third. Meanwhile the crocuses in the middle of the cyclists’ desire path in the park come up with gusto every year!
DamagedWheel on
If anyone is interesting in what kind of crocus, these look like the species Crocus atticus
Wow. My crocuses have barely started to sprout yet here in Yorkshire. Enjoy.
I’m Norfolk based and mine are only showing their leaves at the moment. They’re in a North facing aspect so maybe that’s why they’re slower? Can’t wait to see them bloom!
Damn they look lovely!!
The crocus that gave my hometown it’s name.
I’ve seen two isolated ones in the garden so far. Won’t deny they put a right little sparkle on my week
How do you get such dense clumps?
Why is my garden so opposed to snowdrops and crocuses? I plant them, half of them bloom the first year, a quarter the next, none the third. Meanwhile the crocuses in the middle of the cyclists’ desire path in the park come up with gusto every year!
If anyone is interesting in what kind of crocus, these look like the species Crocus atticus
Oooh so many already!