Me too! We spent back breaking hour with a hand held bulb planter on our heavy clay “lawn” last year and it was so worth it to see all the crocuses come through!
bdebotte on
We also have crocuses and snow drops littered in the borders of our garden. Really helps you feel connected with the seasons seeing them too!
plant-cell-sandwich on
🎶I like bee butts and I cannot lie🎶
odkfn on
This is my first spring since I planted 100-150 crocus last October so hopefully they’ll start coming through soon!!
Richie_Sombrero on
Mine are coming through but flowers seem very weak. Only planted in November though so will hopefully be stronger next year.
Sirico on
They look so pretty like coloured paper.
This is our plan this year, we luckily inherited snowdrops and bluebells but plan to scatter crocuses throughout the grass.
QueenSashimi on
They love a little crocus snooze, too! A safe enclosed space for a quick nap.
Me too! We spent back breaking hour with a hand held bulb planter on our heavy clay “lawn” last year and it was so worth it to see all the crocuses come through!
We also have crocuses and snow drops littered in the borders of our garden. Really helps you feel connected with the seasons seeing them too!
🎶I like bee butts and I cannot lie🎶
This is my first spring since I planted 100-150 crocus last October so hopefully they’ll start coming through soon!!
Mine are coming through but flowers seem very weak. Only planted in November though so will hopefully be stronger next year.
They look so pretty like coloured paper.
This is our plan this year, we luckily inherited snowdrops and bluebells but plan to scatter crocuses throughout the grass.
They love a little crocus snooze, too! A safe enclosed space for a quick nap.