Hilf mir, mich zwischen schwarzäugigen Susan-Pflanzen und Gänseblümchenpflanzen zu entscheiden

Von: Meditating-Wiz


  1. Commercial-Sail-5915 on

    Depends on where you are in the world, in North America black eyed susans are vastly more important as there are bees that depend specifically on BES and other relatives in the rudbeckia genus

  2. chobit2348 on

    Both but the honey bees love the Susan’s. Gross flies like the dasiys. Just saying

  3. VermicelliOk8366 on

    I have a few patches of black eyed Susan’s, and last year started by seed, some shasta daisies i can’t wait to see them bloom this year!
    I say both aswell !

  4. wordsmythy on

    I think Black eyed Susan spread more readily than daisies., At least that’s my experience here in the Pacific Northwest. and they’re always buzzing with bees and butterflies…

  5. 3StacksOnTheRadio on

    I grow both, but in year three my shastas are tall and have progressively shorter bloom time. The black eyed Susans have been dead easy. I’m in the Northeast.

  6. RiDDler5150 on

    In the northeast, daisies bloom late summer, so I have both. Love my Susans!

  7. Plastic-Rhubarb4738 on

    I love the look of daisies but hate their smell! So my vote is black eyed Susans. 🙂

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