Das begann mit einem traurigen, abgebrochenen Blatt, das ich fand, als ich in einem Geschäft an Pflanzen arbeitete. Ich warf es ins Wasser und es schien, als wäre es nicht ganz brauchbar … aber irgendwann bildeten sich Wurzeln. Aber ich beschloss, es einfach in die Erde zu stecken und es zu vergessen. Ich kann nicht glauben, dass dieser Mist FUNKTIONIERT HAT!

Von: Neither-Attention940


  1. Orangekiss206 on

    I have some african violet props that finally did something because I did the same thing!! They thrive on neglect 😆

  2. I put “broken” snake leaves in water and the babies I get are phenomenal. I see your sweet wee baby!

  3. freya_the_mistwolf on

    That tiny little peek of green is just the most exciting and magical thing! 💚

  4. good-one-beth on

    My snake clippings took almost a full year and then suddenly, bam, 4 new pups! Still nothing from the column cactus sections though…

  5. Yay!! I grow these everywhere ! I think I have like 12 going right now some have grown beautifully! And keep in mind when you do start to see it better it’s not gonna look like the mother piece!

  6. PhysioPlantTherapy on

    I’ve never had luck getting a snake plant to root in water! Props to you

  7. MarcoPolonia on

    You had hidden wonderful plant skills you were unaware of! I’m so envious. Please post more growth pics. This story is giving me inspiration. 🤗

  8. raerae_thesillybae on

    Snake plants are so magical :,) they are so hardy!!! Love my lil guys

  9. Available-Sun6124 on

    Nice. I want to mention though that new growth will be bit different than “mother leaf”. Unlike it, new growth won’t have yellow variegation in leaf edges.

  10. itz_me_azeem on

    Put leaves in the soil and wait for 1.5 or 2 months and something pops up 😍 baby plant

  11. Trying so hard to ignore my snake plant props rn it’s been a few months I have not taken it out of the soil

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