Ich habe meine eigene Schaukel darauf gestellt! Jedes Stück wurde von mir geschnitten, geklebt, zusammengesetzt, gefaltet und leicht durcheinander gebracht! Aus den Anweisungen geht deutlich hervor, dass Sie den durchsichtigen Kunststoff sauber halten sollen. UNMÖGLICH. Deshalb habe ich die Außenseite mit Grünpflanzen und funkelnden Lichtern versehen, um meine Fehler zu vertuschen. Sie können das Kit bei Amazon kaufen. Es ist schwer, lol.
Von: khalizard
I did this same little kit!! It was so fun!! But you’re right, so much work! Yours looks great
Oh this is adorable 😍 Good job!
Oooh! I bought this after my green house imploded during a storm!
Oh I have that! It’s been half built for like 2 years now lol..
I kinda hate it actually.. building it that is 🤣🤣🤣
Sorry for the new-to-this, but if it’s s mini greenhouse, there are live plants in there, correct? Well, babies, I’d reckon? I’ve constructed a few fairy gardens for my succs, fairy garden globes for air plants, but a whole mini greenhouse?! Please tell me more. Seriously, please tell me more.
Adorable 🥰
That is absolutely adorable!!! 🥹💚 Makes me wanna buy one but I fear I may struggle too much with it, haha.
That is so adorable! I wanna be able to go inside
I have this kit! How long did it take you to finish?
It looks so good! I started this on Thursday and hope mine looks as good as yours.
How long did it take you to complete it? I am going on 4 years with mine…
Getting ready lol. Yours turned out great!