Ich habe kürzlich Basilikum in einen größeren Topf mit Kompost umgetopft, weil die Blätter weiß wurden. Ich habe es auch nach draußen gebracht, weil das Wetter warm und nachts nicht zu kalt war. Es schien glücklich zu sein, aber nach ein paar Tagen ist es braun geworden. Irgendwelche Gedanken? Kann es gerettet werden?

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  1. Isn’t this mint?

    Mint and Basil are quite different species, although I know there is a ‘Basil Mint’ which looks and tastes exactly like Basil, while still being genetically a mint. But this one just looks like regular mint.

  2. Used-Painter1982 on

    Actually it looks like a disease of some sort since the brown is coming out of the trunk of the plant. I’d Google Basil diseases and see if any march your plan’s symptoms.

  3. Looks like potentially frost bite to me just based on the color and pattern of discoloration. How cold does it get at night for you OP ?

  4. shioscorpio on

    Looks like thai basil!! It could be a little dry or dramatic that it’s drying out. It can get sunburn so if you put it outside without acclimating it to sunlight, that may be the problem

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