Ich habe einige LEDs für den Innenanbau bei Aliexpress gekauft, sie sind sehr wirtschaftlich. Ich mache mir Sorgen wegen eines Feuers. Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit solchen Leuchten?

Entschuldigung für mein Englisch!

Von: Regulus_Arcturuz


  1. Those lights are way way too far to do anything. You are going to get leggy ass seedlings.

    They need to be at like 5-10cm away from the tray. Yes seriously.

  2. I don’t mean this to sound rude, but why invest the space and materials for a tent and shelving, to not also invest in arguably the most important part of growing?

    If you plan to run your run your lights for 8+ hours a day then yes, I would worry about a potential fire hazard. Just go a step up and get some decent barina’s off Amazon.

    Also your lights are way too high. Bring those down until they are a few inches above the trays.

  3. christophersonne on

    This will fail. Light exposure falls off following the inverse square law – so really, really quickly.

    You need them to be much closer to the light source – or use a **much** brighter light source than shitty LEDS can provide. They’re also probably not full spectrum, so you’re basically just going to execute or slowly torture all these plants to death, or they’re going to be crappy small plants if you’re lucky.

    You’re better off putting those planters by a window.

  4. Oh wow, something maybe I can help with! So I think I have the same greenhouse as you. Disclaimer, I’m not a seasoned gardener, this is just something I made for fun to see if it worked. Some plants loved it, but others that we’re more sensitive to being inside didn’t thrive.


    I’ve had this thing running 15 hours a day all summer and haven’t had any issues with a fire hazard… Not saying it can’t happen. What the bigger issue is ventilation. If you put a humidifier in the tent use at least one fan to vent out. Ask how I know (that fan on the ground got humidity cooked). If you see a literal cloud in your tent, that’s bad! 😀 I use mostly shop lights and they can’t take that kind of humidity without failing.

    If you have any other questions feel free to ask. I’ve made plenty of mistakes and would love to share them.

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