Tipps zum Entfernen dieser Grünalgen vom Zaun? Oder ist es die falsche Jahreszeit, um gesund zu sein? Ich habe gerade mein erstes Haus gekauft und versuche, es auf Vordermann zu bringen!

Von: jackSB24


  1. oceansoveralderaan on

    I bought some spray n leave by spear and Jackson, sprayed it all over the fences and the green came off pretty quickly. When we moved into our new house the fence at the back was completely green, this stuff sorted it out.

    Search ‘algae removal spray’

  2. A jet washer and then re-paint it. One of the main reasons I don’t paint fences, it needs to be done repeatedly. The algae will return eventually, it obviously wants to grow there so this will probably be a job every other year to keep on top of.

  3. agro_arbor on

    I’d just pressure-wash it off personally. Just make sure the neighbours don’t have their washing out!

  4. Vectis01983 on

    Could give white vinegar a go. It’s cheap and available from any supermarket.

  5. Playful_Tea_3869 on

    Spray and Leave by Spear and Jackson. Spray on when it is dry and the green will disappear over a couple of days. A 5L bottle is about a tenner at B and M and £12 on Amazon.

  6. Itsnotme74 on

    You could try some biological washing liquid or powder in hot water and give it a scrub with a brush. It should come off and more cost efficient.

  7. Technical-Head1818 on

    Just paint it will kill the algae and makes the fences last a lot long with oil based paint

  8. Noreasonwhynot2000 on

    Pressure washing washing will remove the algae. It will also deeply soak the wood.

    Brush on a fungicide when you’ve got a few days without rain. That’ll kill off the algae, and protect against new growth for several months.

  9. ballsplopmenacingly on

    Benzalkonium chloride. But honestly many people paint fences green and I prefer the natural look now.

  10. Big_Dasher on

    Pool cleaner / chlorine solution. It stops the photosynthesis so it doesn’t grow.

  11. chaosandturmoil on

    this will come off successfully with a jet wash. do it in the spring so it can dry out afterwards, then you can paint it again.

  12. JellyBellyGiggles on

    Personally I’d wait till spring, just that the stain/paints need a good 2-4hrs of dry weather at around 10c to dry properly. I’ve done it around this time before and it started raining and the stain got loads of little rain drops divits in it. Looked crap and I had to redo it. But otherwise as others have said, powerwash, treat with wood treatment (then paint if your painting), or wood protecting stain if your staining

    Just an fyi b and q have a great youtube channel where they show you how to stuff like this, theres also one that i can’t remember the name of where the guy is like a dad for everyone he goes over stuff like this too – might be helpful for the rest of the house

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