Ist das nicht etwas verfrüht?

Von: calvados_ftw


  1. Chickadee227 on

    Mine are quite far along too. Thankfully no flowers yet, but the low for next Monday is only supposed to be 7 and the high 12 where I’m at. I won’t be surprised if I awake to Daffs on Christmas morning.

  2. SeeingSound2991 on

    Ive got azaleas in bloom. Grape hyacinths in bloom. Daffs buds are swelling but yet to open.

    Everything is very confused

  3. Sarahspangles on

    I think this is something to do with how wet this year has been. I moved a clump in the garden and they were rooted in August. Normally they are dormant in Summer.

  4. Chaosbringer007 on

    We had some tulips coming through not too long ago. However that stopped when it snowed the first time.

  5. Healthy_Door_9319 on

    It’s ‘Rijnveld’s Early Sensation” by far the earliest of all narcissus, it reliably flowers before Christmas and can continue to do so all the way till March in a mild winter, very weather resistant not effected by winds or frosts 👍

  6. I’m quite worried as I had planted a ton in autumn last year, had a great display in the late winter/early spring, and now I see next to nothing popping up. 🤔

  7. RevolutionaryMail747 on

    We have had so much rain it’s almost as if it snowed and thawed. Trees will love it though! Nice to see their nodding yellow heads.

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