Ich habe dieses Stück Seestern-Schlangenpflanze diesen Monat vor zwei Jahren propliziert. Die Fortschritte waren langsam, aber stetig.

Von: SaintJimmy1


  1. my first ever snake plant prop took 11 months to show any signs of rooting in water.. and another year before there were enough roots to plant her

  2. I just started with plants really, but my Dionysus took FOREVER to pop out a tiny pup. And I have a kalanchoe that isn’t doing anything at all. But it’s not wilting, sooooooooo it stays in the tray.

  3. I have a couple of fiddle leaf fig that have been in water for going on 6 months with no indication of roots. Leaves are still healthy. Even pothos isn’t helping. But I was warned that they can take months to root. Sure is hard waiting

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