Ich habe diese Zitrone geöffnet und das gefunden! Ich habe noch nie etwas gepflanzt. Wie kann ich daraus einen Zitronenbaum wachsen lassen? (wenn möglich)

Von: NeonLemonPudding


  1. southall_ftw on

    You can grow it and it’ll take years and years to see if it fruits. Then you realise it doesn’t grow true to type from the seed so if it fruits it will be unlikely to taste the same. It’s why most fruit trees are grafted. But if you’re up for an experiment go for it.
    ETA: if it’s a meyer lemon it won’t grow true to type. Another lemon variety MAY grow true to type depending on what it is

  2. grower_notashowe on

    Yes they sell special citrus potting mix at most box stores just give it light and keep it around 80°f

  3. SquarePeg37 on

    Honestly lemon trees are relatively easy to grow from seed and pretty rewarding. What everybody else has said is correct though, it may never fruit, the fruit may not be the same, etc. But they are nice plants to grow, and they smell fantastic (lemon oil in the leaves).

    If you decide to give it a go make sure you put it in well draining mix, and let it dry out relatively thoroughly before watering. Also recommend some organic dry nutrients mixed into the soil, they are heavy feeders.

    Here is a photo of my 17-year-old tree, which spends more than half of its life indoors in Michigan:


    Happy to answer any other questions!

  4. figgy_fingers on

    ok.. so anyone saying the tree will take years and years to bear fruit has quite obviously never grown a lemon tree before. those seeds will literally take maybe a year and a half to start fruiting. lemon trees fruit as soon as they can so once those roots get going, get ready. they might start off with like 1-3 fruit at first but once they start spawning their branches as quickly as they do, that will change.
    Lemon trees are like really big hardwood weeds

  5. Grab some potting mix, maybe some sapling fertilizer if you can find it, and off to the races.

  6. Alias_Black on

    Lemons are a hybrid, so no, it wont be a lemon tree, but they will grow some type of citrus tree.

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