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Von: ChubbyGirl19g


  1. Medlarmarmaduke on

    Yes it’s a heirloom Chrysanthemum! So pretty! It’s an irregular incurve type I believe- perhaps the variety “Whiteout”

    For a pale yellow version look at Chrysanthemum “Primrose Mt. Shasta”

  2. SufficientLanguage33 on

    What kind of flower is this? It looks like cake topper 😁 but beautiful 😍

  3. Live-Requirement-436 on

    What a unique beauty! I’ve never seen a flower like this before.

  4. grammar_fixer_2 on

    This looks AI generated. Please link to more pictures of an “heirloom chrysanthemum“ that looks like this to prove me wrong.

  5. Psychonautilus98 on

    Whipped cream plant, everyday I keep seeing more snd more amazing things nature create

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