Leider hat mein geliebter Philodendron das Umtopfen nicht überlebt, er ist eingegangen und ich konnte diese zur Vermehrung aufbewahren. Wie würden Sie es beschneiden? Was muss ich beachten? Leider sind meine bisherigen Stecklinge immer kaputt gegangen.

Von: nisaibs


  1. MomsSpecialFriend on

    Clip between each node, evenly between the two leaves, not super close to the leaves.

    Put them all in a cup of water together. Put in a window, top off the water but don’t change it unless you get mosquitos.

    You’ll have roots on all of it in no time.

    If you own a wandering dude, clip a piece and add it to the cup of clippings.

  2. twomississippi on

    I have several philodendron micans propagating in windowsills. Trim leaves from 2 lowest nodes. Place in water. One set of leaves should be above water. Place near a window. Forget about them for a couple of months (top off water as needed).


    Edit: I like to water prop in leca but plain water is fine. Philo micans seem to be slower to root IMHO. Pothos cutting added for extra growth hormone.

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