Ich gieße es vielleicht sechsmal im Jahr. Scheint gut zu laufen. Foltere ich diese Pflanze?

Von: LiverKiller3000


  1. AgentOrange256 on

    It’s a common plant to buy at a big box store. Keep it however you’d like based on the aesthetic. You’ll be able to get another if it dies.

  2. Nonbeaniecat on

    You can keep it in the jar just add some fertz to the water 🙂

  3. Prayer plants can live in water. The white roots are their water roots. I am surprised that after 3 years, it is not all water roots, but it might be because there is still dirt. You should rinse the dirt off and change water every two weeks and add some hydroponic liquid fertilizer. (sparingly). I used 3-1-2 … about half teaspoon per cup of water on my house plants grown in water.

  4. I have a bunch of plants (pothos) I inherited in a similar state. I have no idea what size pot to use for them because the roots are LONG. Similarly, I have no idea whether it hurts the plants to trim the roots. If anyone knows let me know so I know what to do 😭

  5. AssistPsychological6 on

    Put that thing in a larger pot. I would suggest a self watering planter from Modern Soil. 5” should be enough

  6. Super jealous … I look at a prayer plant and it withers and dies…. 😔 One day … I will befriend one

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