
Ich bin über den Winter in mein neues Zuhause gezogen und suche nach Vorschlägen, was ich mit dem Garten machen kann, am besten mit dem Ziel, die Terrasse etwas zu vergrößern und etwas mehr Privatsphäre zu haben?

Alle Ideen sind willkommen!

Von: sliestcrib


  1. Hottub at the bottom so neighbours can see you. Get a few dogs to add dog poop and grass burn. Throw some random broken children’s toys over the grass, even if you don’t have kids. /S

    I’d leave it for a year to see how waterlogged it gets. You might put a raised bed in one place Let the grass establish and the soil to settle.

    What’s your budget?

    [Raised bed down the side. ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSXzFZ5-7egf6ixpYhPPUgvupwbCRvYgM-7_g&usqp=CAU)

    [Raised bed](https://www.whosthemummy.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/raised-bed-sleepers.jpeg)

    Decking at the bottom?

  2. Wonkypubfireprobe on

    Family member had the same problem with privacy and basically stuck a trellis panel on a fence post and added some netting for a quick fix. Long term they are growing climbing plants up them – creeping Virginia is very good for ultra quick cover, it grows metres in a year, turns a lovely red brown in the winter and then you can turf it down ready for next year if you wish. Make sure it’s within building regulations either way.

    Rough idea:


    Longer term you probably want some trees or high shrubs as these places are always bare and that’s why theres no privacy.

    If you want wildlife, sterile buddleia supports all sorts, don’t plant it near the house or slabs. Rowan, holly and other berry forming plants/trees are great.

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