Gestern habe ich mein Zuhause auf dem CozyPlaces-Sub gepostet und dort hieß es, dass es euch vielleicht auch gefallen würde, es zu sehen!

Von: ig_gnome_inious


  1. ig_gnome_inious on

    Just leaving this here to address some questions I’ve often gotten in the past:

    I am aware that some of my plants are not pet safe, but we’ve never had any issues— Howdy’s been around the plants long enough that they’re invisible to him now. He leaves all my plants alone, except for his nemesis, the ponytail palm!

    All murals were hand-painted by me, and cleared with my landlord ahead of time. There are some plants I adore (like the monstera adansonii) but I don’t get enough light to make them happy, so I decided to paint them on my walls instead! Please credit me if you share, my info is on my profile. Thanks for looking! 🌱

  2. shitsenorita on

    Gorg!! And Howdy reminds me of my beloved departed gato who also loved attention. 🧡

  3. AdvancedSpeaker8051 on

    Lovely. I can’t believe your kitty behaves himself around the plants. Mine are just rotten around them.

  4. lakeMichgirl22 on

    Wow like you live “outside”. The plants all look so healthy too. Must be a full time job taking care of them?

  5. big_ass_enjoyer69 on

    I’ll be the first to ask, but uhh what’s the story behind the doll head and the candle?

  6. sashie_belle on

    OMG the philo brasil mural! So freaking beautiful! Edit: All your murals are gorgeous! I posted too early before going through all of your pics!

  7. Hello, Howdy! You gorgeous and very lucky cat to have such a beautiful home.

  8. Accomplished_Draft11 on

    No one’s going to talk about the baby dolls and baby doll heads? And the foot pots?? Lolol. Apart from those, I aspire to have my own space with all my plants displayed in every room like this!

  9. I can’t believe your cat leaves the plants alone!

    Mine is a chomper, my plants are all healthy but every leaf is full of bite marks.

  10. eurasianblue on

    Why do you call it unit? I am not native English speaker and haven’t heard of the use for a home before.

  11. VioIetDelight on

    Lmao next to everything else, why the f is there a radiator on the ceeling??🤣

  12. juanitapuanita on

    As someone with 2 permanently inside cats and 3 indoor/outdoor cats AND with 100+ houseplants, I love seeing other people say their cats and plants live in harmony too. People ask me all the time about my cats and if they destroy my plants. They don’t. They ignore them completely. Like you, I think they are just used to always being surrounded my plants

  13. Where did you get the pots that your larger plants are in?? Love this aesthetic!!

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