Ich habe gerade den Boden in unserem Garten ausgegraben (vor 6 Monaten bewegt) und fand diesen Teil eines Kieferknochens, den ich denke und etwas, das wie ein Schwert aussieht!

Von: Ffs132705


  1. Sea_Kangaroo826 on

    If you’re interested in knowing more about the sword shaped thing, I’d contact your local museum or university with an archaeology department and see if they want to have a look at it.

  2. Spadders87 on

    Not mine but a mates dad asked if wed help dig out a slope in his garden. We found a white clay smoking pipe, unbroken. All the houses on his street where built in the 30s but behind it was an old Manor home thats now a care home. That was built in 1800.

    He gave it to the local museum and unfortunately i dont know what happened to it or what age was estimated for it but assuming its at least prior to 1930.

  3. kowalski477 on

    Not my garden specifically, but a community garden I volunteered at in West London. It was in part of a park which had been the kitchen garden of a manor house, then covered over with glasshouses, then just a semi abandoned piece of land which point the glasshouses were removed and the park was given to the Greater London Authority (I think in 1923 if memory serves).

    I dug up some rusted shut secateurs with twine-bound handles which we worked out must have been around 100 years old given when the plot was last actually gardened. Really nice link from what we were doing to be original gardeners. Given to the organisers as a memento of bringing the area back to use.

  4. the_cats_jimjams on

    Not mine but in a partners garden. 3 quarters of a moped. I have no idea why

  5. Found an intact milk bottle with an interesting crest buried deep in my Hackney back garden. Looked the dairy up online and found out they were destroyed in the blitz. Cleaned and kept the bottle. Same garden had a lot of very old butchered cattle bones in it.

  6. So. Much. 1800s. Glass. (Near-ish the old Pilkington Glassworks, so it make sense). Not that interesting but always makes me giggle bc it happens so often. Thankfully it has never been sharp, but I take extra precautions just to make sure.

    Also in a diff place, coins from the 18th century. I collect coins so it was very cool to find them.

    In my home country we found very old house keys and some out-of-place seashells that may have been used/buried by people trying to become free from slavery/help others become free.

  7. VisenyaRose on

    I get pottery shards and I’ve watched too much Time Team so I always wonder if they are something interesting

  8. Mostly just 1000yr old stone from a monastery. Other than that, shotgun cartridges, so many shotgun cartridges.

  9. I found a boat anchor while digging a flower bed in a roadside verge. I don’t live anywhere near water or boats, my best theory is that kids knicked it from a garden where it was being used as an ornament and chucked it in the bushes when they got bored.

  10. i-am-a-passenger on

    Lots of Lucozade bottles, whoever was building my house had an addiction.

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